Monday, April 30, 2007

My Favourite Soft Toy, Baby Tortoise!

Good morning Mdm Nasheda and my fellow friends. What you guys saw here
is the thing that I wanted to share with all of you. I have alot of toys in my room
but this is my best choice because it is my favourite toy. I usually sleep with it
every night. As you can see here, she is a little baby tortoise. I named it, Toto.
I had Toto since I was in Primary One. Toto has alot of friends and they come in
many colours like pink, red, brown and many more.That's all I have to say
today. I hope you enjoy this and good luck for my next fellow friend!

1 comment:

ZPS said...

Dear Adillah,

Well done, girl! I really enjoyed listening to your show and tell. After listening to your sharing, it made me feel like buying the baby tortoise and all of it's friends. Hehehe!

Mdm Nasheda